The Best of DC: Christmas with the Super Heroes, vol. 4 no. 22, March 1982
various contributors
editor: Julius Schwartz
Merry Christmas! Yesterday, I took a look at how Marvel celebrates the holidays. Today, I took a look at DC's yuletide offering from years past, starring the Teen Titans, the Justice League, Captain Marvel, Jr., and the Sandman. The collection features a never-before-published Jack Kirby tale, in which the classic Sandman saves Santa from a renegade band of Seal Men, and a Silver Age Batman story, in which the dynamic duo saves a young heir from future Scrooge-itis. Considering the recent JLU and Teen Titans Go! issues I read last week, this comprehensive look at a comics' Christmas was interesting and heart-warming. Simpler times, when superheroes fought to preserve the traditions we all secretly hope to maintain this time of year.
Tonight, we're starting a new tradition, with my second most compelling passion, aside from comics: karaoke. A Karaoke Christmas? I smell a LiveJournal entry brewing . . .
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